Saturday, August 14, 2010

My Very First Go At Blogging

So, this is how it all began. My husband and I are planning a trip to Hawaii in October to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary. I came up with this novel idea to create a blog to journal our travels while we were there. Now, I fancy myself pretty computer literate but figured it might be best to take a practice run at blogging before actually getting in Hawaii. It shouldn't be that difficult - yeah right! Well, with camera in hand, my youngest son, my sister, and my niece and nephews set out on our quarterly trip to IKEA to see what was new. Taking the pictures was the easy part (except trying to get a decent photo of my son). When we came home, I jumped right to it setting up my very first blog. My dear, sweet daughter-in-law started me off with the basics before leaving out for an event. I assured her that I would have the blog completed up and running before she returned. HA!! Everything was going fine until we got to the part about loading the pictures. I made several attempts at loading multiple pictures up in a single post and then adding text under, around, or to the side of each photo. Problem #1 - you can only load five pictures at a time. Problem #2 - it was uploading my photos in the reverse order of what I wanted. My sister and I were not ones to give up easily though. We went to You Tube for help and searched for Blogger Tutorials. The first one we chose was pretty good. That is of course until his computer started giving him grief as he started loading up pictures. Great! That's the part we were looking for. No problem. He said he was going to put together another m0re advanced tutorial and get more in depth with uploading pictures. Wrong! I guess he never got around to it because we sure didn't find it! The next video we listened to was by an Indian speaking gentleman. No problem. I've gotten pretty good at understanding the heavy accent through my job. No luck there either. S0, after a couple of hours we decided that it was best to just put it to the side for a while and order some dinner (Chinese if you were wondering). Afterwards, my sister decided to create her own blog about her upcoming school year teaching Science. We set that up and came up with a cool blog name with the help of my sons - It Ain't Rocket Science...but it's close. Just when I had given up on ever figuring this stuff out it hit me like a ton of bricks. Do a separate post for each picture!!! Duh! I said I was new to this stuff. So, below begins the adventure that is IKEA. Enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. I've been informed by my daughter-in-law that I should create in HTML to help with the photo thing. Apparently I added way too many post to her home page. I'll work on that a(smile).
